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  1. General

    • Why is this website in German only?
      We are working on iKiosk websites for all other countries in which the iKiosk app is already available, too. Please have a little patience. You may of course use the German version of the iKiosk website. The magazines and newspapers that you bought in the iKiosk app can be found in “Meine ePaper” although you don’t find them in the shop yet.
    • Why do I have to register to use iKiosk?
      Using iKiosk should be as easy as possible for you. Part of our service is to save your purchases permanently and enable you to read your newspapers and magazines on various devices. The best way to do this is to us a personal login. If you have decided to use this app and only have one device, you don’t need to register. However, when you change devices, any purchases you have made without logging in cannot be transferred to the new device.
    • Does it cost anything to register or to download the iKiosk app from the store?
      No. The iKiosk app and registering with iKiosk are free of charge. Downloading the iKiosk app and registering with iKiosk does not mean you conclude a subscription agreement. The first costs are incurred when you purchase a newspaper or magazine – but these costs are displayed in a clear and understandable manner. iKiosk does not contain any subscription traps.
    • Can I also read my ePaper offline/without being connected to the Internet?
      In the iKiosk app you can save all ePapers you’ve already downloaded permanently and read them offline at any time without having to be connected to the internet. On the iKiosk website you need to be connected to the internet to call up your ePaper. (You can also download some of the titles from the iKiosk website and save them on your hard disk so that you can read them later when you are offline).
    • What advantages are there to reading an ePaper?
      An ePaper has several advantages over the print issue of a newspaper or magazine:
      1. You are informed earlier, because many ePapers are released earlier than the print issues – mostly on the evening before the publication date.
      2. You save money, because many ePapers are cheaper than the print issue.
      3. No need to get used to anything new – ePapers appear in the same layout as the print issue.
      4. You can keep on top of the news even on holiday, as your ePaper is delivered straight to your holiday destination
      5. ePapers take up less space than print issues, are easy to access and are good for the environment as there is no paper waste.
      6. You can read your ePaper anytime anywhere on your tablet or smartphone – on the train, on the bus or on a plane.
      7. It’s good on your eyes, as you can set the font size on your ePaper as you like.
      8. You can pay for ePapers by credit card or Paypal – while you can often only pay for print issues in cash.
    • What advantages does iKiosk offer me? When you register with iKiosk you gain access to a large portfolio of popular newspapers and magazines – all in one place. You install one app, visit one website, enter your payment data once and you’re ready to go!
    • What titles are available from iKiosk?
      iKiosk has more than 800 titles from more than 150 known publishers. These include newspapers like Süddeutsche, DIE ZEIT, F.A.Z., DIE WELT or WAZ and magazines like GEO, BUNTE, GQ, AUTO BILD, Ein Herz für Tiere or Bilanz. If you are unable to find your favorite in iKiosk, please contact us at service@ikiosk.de
  2. Purchases

    • How do I buy just one single issue of an ePaper?
      Every title has its own detailed buying page. You can find all of the important information about the publication frequency and price of your ePaper here. The titles are offered with the option to buy them as a single issue or a subscription. It is also possible to purchase earlier issues of nearly all titles. If you have decided to buy a single issue, the price is charged once and there are no follow-up costs. After clicking “Buy” you will be requested to enter your payment data. If you’re using the iKiosk app, the payment will be settled automatically via your Google/Apple account. After paying, the issue you have ordered is available right away on “My ePaper”.
    • How can I buy a subscription to an ePaper?
      Every title has its own details page which contains all important information about the publication frequency and price of the ePaper. Most titles are offered with the option of buying a single issue or a subscription. If you have decided to buy a subscription, you can generally choose between 30 days, three months or one year. After buying the title you want, the current issue will be available right away. The subscription period for your ePaper begins on the first day of purchase. It doesn’t matter whether the title you have chosen is issued daily, weekly or monthly – each new issue will appear automatically in “My ePaper” as soon as it is released. There are differences concerning extending a subscription which have nothing to do with the different subscription periods. On the iKiosk website and in the iKiosk app for Android (Google) subscriptions end automatically and do NOT have to be cancelled and do NOT extend automatically. In the iKiosk app for iOS (Apple iPad & iPhone), subscriptions extend automatically. Please find more information on this at “Questions on cancelling a subscription”.
    • Where can I find a list of all my ePaper purchases?
      Please click “Show purchases” in “My Account” (top right) on the iKiosk website. You will find a detailed list there of all your purchases including information about the purchase date, subscription period, platform and cancellation options. In the iKiosk app you can display your purchases in “Settings” / "My account" under “Show purchases”.
    • How do I pay for my ePaper in iKiosk?
      On the iKiosk website you can pay by credit card or Paypal. It is not possible at the present time to buy on account. In the iKiosk app you can pay for your in-app purchases via your Google Play or Apple iTunes account using the data you have stored there.
    • I live abroad. How can I use iKiosk and what do I need to pay attention to?
      You can also access most of the titles in iKiosk when abroad. If some titles are not available, this is mostly down to legal reasons over which we have no control. However, you can continue to access already purchased titles and ongoing subscriptions abroad.
    • How do I redeem a gift voucher?
      You can redeem gift vouchers on the iKiosk website directly on the homepage (top right) or on your title’s details page (below the displayed prices). In the iKiosk app please redeem gift tokens in “Settings” (small cogwheel symbol) / "My account" under “Redeem Voucher”.
    • Information on making purchases on an iPad 1
      If you have an iPad 1, you can continue to access ongoing subscriptions and make individual purchases. However, you can no longer purchase subscriptions. Please cancel your existing subscription in “Settings” under “Cancel Subscription” and then cancel in iTunes. If you have any questions, contact the iKiosk support team at service@ikiosk.de
  3. “My ePaper”

    • When are new issues released and how do I find out about that?
      For many titles, new issues are released on the evening before the issue date. If you like, as an iKiosk app user, you can get information using the push notification on your smartphone or tablet, which will let you know as soon as a new issue of your subscribed title has been released.
    • Where can I find my ePaper?
      After purchasing a title, you will find your ePaper in “My ePaper”. New issues of a subscription are added there automatically.
    • How can I download my ePaper?
      In the iKiosk app go to “My ePaper”. Click the “Download” button beneath the title page of an issue. Not all titles can be downloaded from the iKiosk website. You can tell whether you can download an issue or not by the PDF-arrow symbol beneath the title page. If there is no arrow symbol, the issue can only be opened directly on the page and read in the Web Reader (read mode).
    • How do I search for titles?
      If you enter the first letter of a certain title in the search field at the top right (magnifying glass symbol), suggestions for titles that are available in iKiosk are displayed automatically. The iKiosk app also has an A-Z list containing all available titles.
    • What is “Select Country” in the iKiosk app for?
      iKiosk is available in various countries. If you change the country name under “Select Country” in “Settings”, the newspapers and magazines on offer also change. This function is not currently available for the iKiosk website.
    • What languages is iKiosk available in?
      iKiosk is available in the following languages: German, English, Spanish, Czech, French and Turkish.
  4. Reader (read mode)

    • How can I read in iKiosk?
      Open “My ePaper”. You will find all previously purchased issues there. If you click the title page of an issue, the Reader opens (read mode).
    • How does the Pinboard work?
      You can set bookmarks for every one of your ePaper issues and choose excerpts from articles that you want to keep. You can save your bookmarks and article excerpts on your iKiosk Pinboard. If you click a bookmark or an article excerpt, it opens up at the corresponding page of the issue.
    • How do I use bookmarks?
      You can set bookmarks on all pages in your ePapers. To do so, open your ePaper in the Reader (read mode) and browse to the page you want. In the iKiosk-app, if you tap once on the edge of the issue, the upper menu bar opens. Tap the bookmark symbol. In the lower page view you will see a red bookmark on the page in question. To remove a bookmark, open the page with the bookmark and tap the symbol again. You will find your collection of bookmarks on your Pinboard. In addition, you can see a red marking on every issue where you have set a bookmark.
    • How do I use article excerpts?
      You can select excerpts from articles in your ePapers and save these. To do this, open an ePaper issue in the Reader (read mode) and browse to the page you are looking for. Click the scissors symbol on the right in the upper menu bar (which opens when you click the edge of the issue). You can now select a square of your choice and save it in “Add to Pinboard”.
    • How does the search function work in an ePaper?
      In the Reader (read mode) you can use the search field at the top right to search through an ePaper. If you click the search hit you have been looking for, the view automatically jumps to the page in question and the search hit is highlighted in the text.
    • How do I use the individual article view?
      Some daily newspapers provide a so-called “Article View”. This means that, instead of the PDF view (same layout as the print issue), only the text and pictures are displayed. The advantage of this is that is it easier to read and you can change the text size. You can open the “Article View” by clicking the text once in an issue. This view can be closed again by clicking the “X”.
    • How do I use the “Send a page per email” function
      Basically, for legal reasons, the individual publishers decide themselves whether the function to send an entire page as a pdf per email (or print it) is activated or not. In a few cases, this function is not available for technical reasons. If the function is activated, in the Reader (read mode) you will see an arrow at the top right pointing to the right. If you click it, the “Send this page per email” option is displayed. To use this function, you have to have an email account set up on your tablet/smartphone. The page in question is then automatically attached to the email (pdf format).
  5. Prices

    • Why are some newspapers and magazines more expensive than in a “real” kiosk?
      In general, the participating publishers decide themselves what prices to charge for their titles in iKiosk. However, they must conform to the restrictions imposed by the online sales platforms such as Apple iTunes or Google Play. For example, all items sold in App Store – no matter whether apps, books, newspapers or music – must cost at least 99 cents. All further sales prices are set at intervals based on these minimum prices, so prices can’t be set entirely at will. This means that a newspaper/magazine may be more expensive in iKiosk than the print issue (e.g. BILD for 99 cents). Where possible, we have tried to balance out higher prices of individual issues by providing a particularly good subscription offer
    • Why are some newspapers and magazines cheaper on the iKiosk website than in the app?
      In general, the participating publishers decide themselves what prices to charge for their titles in iKiosk. We try to give the ePapers in iKiosk reasonable prices. This also means, as far as possible, having uniform prices in the different iKiosk apps (Google & Apple), and on the iKiosk website. In some cases, however, we are forced by the Stores’ (iTunes Store & Google Play Store) own pricing policies to demand higher prices than we would actually like to. In such cases, the price of individual issues and subscriptions on the website may be cheaper.
    • Why can’t I buy single issues of certain titles in iKiosk?
      In general, the participating publishers decide themselves whether a title is offered as single issues and/or as a subscription. As a digital kiosk operator, iKiosk does not have any influence on this decision. In some cases it is not feasible to sell single issues because no suitable price bracket can be found (see previous question).
    • Why do individual issues of a title sometimes have different prices in iKiosk?
      There are occasionally price adjustments in iKiosk. Sometimes the publisher raises the price of a title, sometimes a price bracket changes in the Apple App Store (like at the beginning of 2015 which saw an increase from 89 to 99 cents), and sometimes Google suddenly calculates the VAT differently in Play Store. An older issue might cost more – or less – than a current one. We are sorry about this. These are not errors, but due to technical restrictions which cannot be handled otherwise at the present time. If you think a price is not correct, please contact us at service@ikiosk.de.
  6. Cancelling a subscription

    • Why does iKiosk have differing cancellation terms?
      iKiosk is available as a website and as an app. On the iKiosk website and in the iKiosk app for Android (Google), we had to choose between two types of subscription: those that extend automatically and those that end automatically without cancellation. We chose subscriptions that end automatically. Our customers should be able to decide themselves whether they want to extend their subscription or not. In the app for iOS (Apple iPad/iPhone), we are unable to offer subscriptions that end automatically because of the App Store conditions. However, it is very easy to cancel a subscription. To find out how it works, read “How do I cancel an iKiosk subscription in Apple”.
    • How do I cancel an iKiosk subscription?
      Once you have purchased your subscription on the iKiosk website, you do NOT have to cancel at any time. The subscription ends automatically after expiry of the chosen subscription period. This also applies for all subscriptions you have purchased in the app for Android (Google). Only subscriptions you have purchased in the app for iOS (Apple iPad/iPhone) extend automatically. On the iKiosk website, all your subscriptions are displayed in “My Account” under “Display Purchases”. Only subscriptions you have ordered on an iOS device (iPad/iPhone) need to be actively cancelled when you wish to end a subscription.
    • How do I cancel an iKiosk subscription on Apple (iPad/iPhone)?
      You can cancel subscriptions you have purchased in the iKiosk app for iOS (Apple iPad/iPhone) up to 24 hours before the subscription period expires. We are unfortunately unable to do this on your behalf as you have to cancel yourself on your device or in your iTunes account. To cancel, do the following:

      - Open “Settings” on your device
      - Click “iTunes & App Store”
      - Click your Apple ID, which is displayed on the right
      - Click “Display Apple ID”
      - Enter your Apple ID and your password
      - Click “Manage” in “Subscriptions”
      - Move the subscription you want to cancel using the controller
    • Do gift vouchers have to be cancelled in iKiosk?
      No. Once you redeem a voucher, you don’t need to actively cancel it when the term expires. Your subscription ends automatically.
  7. Technical problems:

    • My purchases on the iKiosk app have disappeared! What can I do?
      Firstly: all your purchases can be retrieved! The memory on your device was probably full. With Apple devices in particular, already downloaded issues can simply disappear. Your iPad unfortunately decides itself what data are important and what not, which means that saved downloaded issues may be deleted due to lack of space. However, it is very easy to retrieve your issues. To do this, go to “Settings” in your app (small cogwheel symbol) and tap “Retrieve Purchases”. You then have the option of downloading any issues you have already purchased and your bookmarks are also reinstated. This naturally does not cost you anything.
    • Why is it sometimes not possible to send a page per email?
      In general, for legal reasons, the participating publishers decide themselves whether they want to make the contents of their ePapers available as a pdf version to be sent per email. In some cases this function is not available for technical reasons.
    • Why does the print subscription transfer for WELT, HA and BM not work anymore?
      Because of financial regulations that apply to all publishers, since summer of last year, ePapers are no longer allowed to be offered free of charge with a print subscription. Please contact the specific title to find out how you can regain access to your ePaper.
    • Why does the iKiosk app start with out-of-date contents?
      With Android devices (Google) in particular many contents are stored in your device’s cache memory so that an app loads faster next time. In some cases, this means that the iKiosk app does not automatically load the new contents. If this occurs, we suggest you close the app completely and restart it. To do so, proceed as follows:

      - iPad & iPhone: tap the home button twice (round button beneath the display), to activate the view of all opened apps. Brows to the iKiosk app and swipe it away to the top. Now restart the app
      - Android devices (Google): press the iKiosk app icon on your display for a few seconds until the “App Info” option is displayed in the menu bar at the top. Drag the iKiosk app icon onto this text and let it go. You will then be asked whether you want to close the app (“Force Quit”). Click here and then “OK”. Restart the app.
    • Why does it take so long for the iKiosk app to get started?
      The daily updated content has to be loaded before starting the app. This might take a few moments, depending on the internet connection. It can take longer particularly if you are moving within a very unstable internet connection (e.g. in the underground). If you do not have an internet connection (e.g. in flight mode), the iKiosk app will start with the existing contents.
    • Why can I not save my ePaper on the SD card on Android devices?
      We are working to make this possible, but we can’t yet make it available at the present time.
    • Why can I not save my ePaper in the cloud on iOS devices?
      We are testing an option, but we can’t yet make it available at the present time.
    • There are pages missing/unreadable contents in my ePaper!
      Please contact us and let us know what issue is affected at service@ikiosk.de. Thank-you for letting us know.
    • My account

    • I’ve forgotten my password. What can I do?
      On the iKiosk website www.ikiosk.de click “Login” at the top right and then “Forgot Password”. After you have entered your email address, a link will be sent to your email inbox which you can use to reset the password and enter a new one.
    • I’ve forgotten my user name. What can I do?
      Login to iKiosk using your login details consisting of your email address and a password set by you. Your email address is therefore your login name. If you’ve forgotten which email address you used please contact the iKiosk support team at service@ikiosk.de
    • How can I change my password?
      Go to “My Account” (at top right) on the iKiosk website and click “My Data”. You can change your email address, password, name and title there.
    • Where can I find my customer number?
      Your customer number is the email address you have used to register in iKiosk. You don’t need any further information.
  8. Devices and synchronization

    • Which devices does the iKiosk app support?
      The iKiosk app is currently available for iOS (Apple) smartphones (iPhone) and tablets (iPad), as well as for Android (Google) smartphones and tablets.
    • How do I secure my purchases?
      All titles on the iKiosk website are automatically readable on a Web Reader that is available in iKiosk. You only have to click your ePaper to open the Reader (read mode). You therefore don’t need to save the ePapers you have purchased on the Kiosk website. You can start reading right away as soon as you have logged in. You also have the option on the iKiosk website to download some titles directly from “My Issues” onto your computer (you can tell if a title is available for download by the arrow symbol on the title page of each issue). This works differently in the iKiosk app, where you have to download your ePaper before you can read it. Both downloading and reading are done directly in the iKiosk app. It is not possible to save issues anywhere else on your tablet (either for iOS or for Android). As soon as you have completely downloaded an issue it remains permanently saved until you delete the ePaper yourself. If you want to change your device or re-access deleted issues, go to “Settings” in your app (small cogwheel symbol) and tap “Retrieve Purchases”. The issues you have already purchased will then be available once again for download and any bookmarks will be reinstated. This is of course free of charge.
    • Why can I not download and save all titles on the iKiosk website?
      Every publisher decides itself whether it wants to release its titles to be downloaded and saved on your hard drive. You can tell whether a title is available for download by the PDF-arrow symbol beneath the title page of the respective ePaper.
    • How can I use my ePaper on multiple devices?
      It’s really simple – by logging in. On your PC, laptop or Mac, go to the www.ikiosk.de website and log in using your personal login details (consisting of email address and password). As soon as you have registered and are logged in, you can enter the iKiosk website from wherever you are and access your ePaper. In the iKiosk app you can log in using “Login” in "My account" / “Settings” (small cogwheel symbol).
    • I’m a print subscriber - how can I use my subscription in iKiosk?
      If you subscribe to the print issue of a certain newspaper or magazine, we would ask you to contact the corresponding publisher via the title’s subscription service to ask whether you can also access your title as an ePaper in iKiosk. There is perhaps an unbureaucratic option to provide you with access to your ePaper in iKiosk. To do this, register with us at service@ikiosk.de.
    • I used “Manage Devices” in the old app, what do I have to do now?
      In our newly designed registration, the “Manage Devices” function is no longer necessary. The best, most secure and most convenient way to transfer purchases to different devices is via a personal login (consisting of an email address and a password). If you already have several devices linked in “Manage Devices”, these will remain linked. However, from now on you can only add further devices after logging in.
  9. Suggestions, praise and criticism

    • Do you have any further questions or suggestions for us? Please go to service@ikiosk.de or use the contact form. This can be found in the iKiosk app under "My Account" / “Settings” and “Contact”.
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